Our Sparkanauts Programmes

All our classes are specially designed to combine play and exploration with results-oriented learning to ensure holistic brain development that is fun and engaging for our children.

Baby Cadet

Suitable for 6 to 14 months

2 adults may accompany the baby


Suitable for 12 to 18 months

Prerequisites: Cruising

2 adults may accompany the baby

Junior Pilot

Suitable for 17 to 30 months

Prerequisites: Running steadily

1 adult to accompany the toddler


Suitable for 2 to 3.5 years

Prerequisites: Jumping, identify letters and numbers
1 adult to accompany the child


Suitable for 3 to 4.5 years

Prerequisites: Identifies letter sounds
Child is dropped off


Suitable for 17 to 42 months

2.5 hours a day - Wednesday to Friday

Prerequisites: Running steadily
Child is dropped off

What Goes On in a Class?

Visual Stimulation Recognition of words


Vestibular Stimulation Active Balance Circuit Strengthen motor control

Auditory Stimulation Appreciate different musical instruments and develop beat sense

Body Co-ordination during music and movement time

Gymnastics Strengthen joints and co-ordination

Craft strengthens fine motor skills and thematic understanding

Hallmarks of the Sparkanauts lessons include the Vestibular Strengthening Programme, Motor Skills Programme and Intellectual Programme.

Vestibular Strengthening Programme

The vestibular system is located in a part of your child’s brain that strengthens their ability to read, write, concentrate and pay attention. This balance programme is designed to strengthen your child’s vestibular system and co-ordination.

Motor Skills Programme

Sparkanauts’ mobility programme is designed to strengthen your child’s midbrain. A strong midbrain strengthens your child’s creativity, intuition, co-ordination and concentration abilities.

Intellectual Programme

Through the use of visual and auditory training activities, Sparkanauts’ intellectual programme strengthens your child’s processing and memory skills. The materials used during the activities build a strong foundation for thinking, reading, writing and mathematics for pre-schoolers

All Sparkanauts classes and activities are developmentally appropriate and designed to challenge and stimulate our children’s mind holistically.